Accessorize with Intention

“Accessories are like vitamins to fashion”

- Anna Della Russo

What are you wearing with that amazing outfit you just bought? Sometimes we overthink what accessories will complete the desired look. Other times it can be based on comfort or functionality . Picking out what to wear can seem impossible, but it’s simply a matter of what do you want? The outfit should not be wearing you, and the accessories shouldn’t take away from the outfit. Decide if you’re dressing to highlight the outfit or the accessory. If you choose to keep focus on the outfit, accessorize with solids that compliment the colors. Vice versa, if the accessory is the star of the show, then mute the outfit. The goal is to have balance, and not overwhelm the look. Achieving the goal, makes all your work seem effortless.

Stepping up the accessory game

Betty rocking a solid color dress with a beautiful print bag.

Comfort is very important too! How many times have you seen someone struggle in heels, or constantly adjusting an accessory? Safe to say most women have experienced being uncomfortable. The House of Couture International was born from a woman who felt uncomfortable in mainstream fashion. Style has evolved to include comfortable options that can benefit fashionistas everywhere. Platform heels, designer sneakers, dresses that don’t need body shapers, and plenty of other options exist now. Finally, we can all accessorize with comfort.

Comfy & Cute

Here Betty rocks a stress free dress (with pockets!) and sandals.